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Bacon Strip Races
Tuesday Night Track

Bacon Strip Races are Back!

Join us on Sunday, February 23th, 2025 at 9:00am for the 10 mile and 4 mile races.


Once again, this race is part of the FCRC/Horesetooth Half Marathon/RU training program. The races are free for FCRC members. There is a suggested donation of $20 to help offset the cost of putting on the event(port-a-pottys, gifts, BACON!). 

The cost for non-FCRC members is $30. However, the annual cost of FCRC membership is $30. Membership includes many benefits, from races discounts ($20 off Horsetooth Half, $5 off FireKracker 5K, $5 off Resolution Run, as well as dozens of other races), discounts at local running stores, social events and more.

NEW THIS YEAR: Sunny Stacks Pancake Truck will be on site if you want to celebrate your performance with post-race carbs!

PLEASE CONSIDER CARPOOLING TO THE RACE. If you've raced or run the course in the past, you know it's just an intersection where we start and finish. There is no parking lot. We want to keep residents happy, so please consider carpooling.

THERE IS NO DAY OF REGISTRATION. Registration closes on Friday, February 21st.

This is an unsupported race. There will be water on the course, but you will need to fill your own water vessel.



The Bacon Strip Races, Tuesday Night Track and Mountain Ave Mile were the creation of our late friend, Jane Welzel. Jane passed on Aug 31st, 2014 and while she can not be here physically to cheer us on, she will be there in spirit. She loved to compete but more importantly, she loved being with friends and she would have wanted the races and TnT to continue. We miss you Jane!
Click below to learn more about Jane:

Janes brother n law wrote a book about her
UMass Hall of Fame

Coloradoan article hall of fame:
Coloradoan article passing

Be sure to check out runfortfuns other offerings:

Tuesday Night Track Workouts

Photo Credit: Fort Collins ColoradoanJane Welzel's running accomplishmentsFive-time Olympic Trials marathon participant (1984, 1988, 1992, 1996 2000).U.S. marathon champion (2:33:24)1996 USA Track and Field 25K champion (1:29:47)1996 and '97 USATF M…

Photo Credit: Fort Collins Coloradoan

Jane Welzel's running accomplishments

Five-time Olympic Trials marathon participant (1984, 1988, 1992, 1996 2000).

U.S. marathon champion (2:33:24)

1996 USA Track and Field 25K champion (1:29:47)

1996 and '97 USATF Master Runner of the year

Winner of the 1992 Grandma's Marathon (personal best 2:33:01)

Winner of the 1979 Nittany Valley Marathon (2:48:47)

Winner of the 1983 Philadelphia Marathon (2:36:18)

Winner of the 1988 Hokkaido Marathon (2:40:53)

1988 Runner's World Comeback Runner of the Year

2013 Colorado Runners Hall of Fame


RACE DATE: Feb 25th 2024
Start TIME Both Events: 9 am Race Day Registration and Packet pickup. 8 - 8:45 am


Directions to the start:
Take Mulberry (C14) east past I-25 for 3miles to CR13. Turn north on CR13 continue 3 miles to the intersection CR13and CR52(west) and CR88(east). CR13 divides Larimer and Weld County that is why the intersection is marked by two different CR#'s.

Park on CR52 west of start area or CR13 south of start area. Please do not park in finish area or start area. 

There will be portalets at the start located on CR52/west side of intersection of CR13 and one located at the mile 4 aid of the 10 mile course.

10 Mile Course:

4 Mile Course ("Bacon Bits"):


About Bacon Strip and Bacon Bits

The “Bacon Strip” is a 10 mile loop with constant undulating hills on rural dirt roads. The course is very challenging
however the views of the mountains are magnificent. This
loop has become a training run staple for Fort Collins
marathoners. When you can comfortably run the “Double Bacon” you are in shape to run any marathon.
The John Petherick 4 Mile Race otherwise known as ”Bacon
Bits” (for those who are not quite ready for the full Bacon
Strip experience) is a memorial race for John Petherick
who was a friend of the Fort Collins running community who
passed away in 2004. Proceeds from this race go to the
Poudre High School Math Program.

Event details and schedule

Directions to the start: Take Mulberry (C14) east past I-25 for 3miles to CR13. Turn north on CR13 continue 3 miles to the intersection CR13and CR52(west) and CR88(east). CR13 divides Larimer and Weld County that is why the intersection is marked by two different CR#'s. Parking: Park on CR52 west of start area or on CR13 south of start area. Please do not park in finish area or start area.  Course is open to traffic.

Be sure to check out runfortfuns other offerings:

Tuesday Night Track Workouts




2024 Bacon Strip Results:
10 Mile Overall
4 Mile Overall
10 Mile Age Group
4 Mile Age Group

For past and present results, visit our friends at Runlimited.

2022 Bacon Strip Results:

Results are posted at and will be linked here soon.

2021 Bacon Strip Results:

4Mile Overall
4Mile Awards
10Mile Awards
10Mile Overall

2019 Bacon Strip Results:

10 Mile Awards
10 Mile Overall
4 Mile Awards
4 Mile Overall

2017 Bacon Strip Race results:

10 Mile Awards

10 Mile Overall

4 Mile Awards

4 Mile Overall

2016 Bacon Strip Race results:

10 Mile Awards

10 Mile Overall

4 Mile Awards

4 Mile Overall

2015 Bacon Strip Race results:

10 Mile Awards

10 Mile Overall

4 Mile Awards

4 Mile Overall

2014 Bacon Strip Race results:

10 Mile Awards

10 Mile Overall

4 Mile Awards

4 Mile Overall


 Coming soon….


Proceeds from the 4 Mile John Petherick Race donated to:

Poudre School District Math Program

Proceeds from the Bacon Strip 10 mile benefit:

The new Timnath middle-high school cross country program
Be sure to check out runfortfuns other offerings:

Tuesday Night Track Workouts


For questions, please email us

Be sure to check out runfortfuns other offerings:

Tuesday Night Track Workouts




There will be 3 portelets at the starting area.
There is also a portelet at mile 4 of the Bacon Strip.

Aid is limited.  Water is available at Mile 4, 6 and 8 on the ten mile course and mile 2 on the four mile course. The course can be dry and dusty (or cold and wet); please plan for your own aid if you need more than water and if you need it more frequently.



(Tuesday Night Track)

 To see current 2024 work outs, view the TNT Google Sheet

To see current 2025 work outs, view the TNT Google Sheet

Join the TNT email list today!

Search for “tntrunning” in All Groups and Messages and look at the Groups toggle as seen here. You can choose the TNT Group and ask to join.

Workouts subject to change.
Tuesday Night Track is a free series welcome to ALL abilities and running levels.
All workouts start at 6 pm
with a quick meet and greet followed by a warm-up event. Then its on to the interval work!

WINTER - Our locations vary - see schedule below. Headlamps and reflective gear is highly recommended. Some conditions may require traction gear as well. Our partnership with FCRC/RunningU provide great workouts for spring races like the Horsetooth Half Marathon.

SUMMER - Poudre School District has opened their tracks to the public! This is privledge as more and more districts and universities are restricting access. Please be good stewarts of the tracks and obey the rules.
Location:Please join the email list for workout locations as it may change based on school needs, covid, etc..

Track Initiative

 OUR MISSION: To inspire a healthier community by getting people excited about running.

OUR VISION: To secure a public running track facility in Fort Collins.

A committee has been formed, comprised of Fort Collins Running Club Members, RunFortFun/TNT members, The Poudre School District and the City of Fort Collins to pursue and secure a public running track facility. Through public outreach, collaborations and partnerships, we aim to provide a quality running track that can be used by anyone.


9/1/2021 - Poudre School District has formally signed a letter of intent with the City of Fort Collins to upgrade and resurface the Blevins Middle School track with the intent of allowing the community to use the track free of charge. The new track will provide a safe and modern experience for middle school students, middle school athletes as well as the community. Current track options for public use in the City are met with obstacles. For example, CSU’s Jack Christiansen Memorial Track is completely off limits to the community and the CSU student body. Current Poudre School District facilities (FCHS, FRHS, PHS) are available to use for a small yearly fee. This new partnership will ensure that the Blevins track will be open to the public at no charge. The Fort Collins Running Club, along with TNT and the City Gives program are leading the charge to raise the funds necessary to build the new track. More details on how you can donate and contribute to this vision are coming soon!



First draft vision of enhanced and resurfaced property courtesy Poudre School District Planning

2/8/2020 - Chris attended open house for Parks and Rec Master plan at Preston Middle. Public Track is in the conversation and on City radar and attendees expressed interest.

2/1/2020 - Track committee met. Picked up new member, Clint, who expressed interested in creating rendering for track proposal.

12/10/2019 - Chris attended first Parks and Rec Master plan forum at Aztlan Center. Discussed need for public track and there was excitement around it.

11/14/2019 - Members of committee met with City Officials (Mayor, City Manager, Dir of City Give) to present public track ideas as well as RRCA award.