(Tuesday Night Track)

 To see current 2024 work outs, view the TNT Google Sheet

To see current 2025 work outs, view the TNT Google Sheet

Join the TNT email list today!

Search for “tntrunning” in All Groups and Messages and look at the Groups toggle as seen here. You can choose the TNT Group and ask to join.

Workouts subject to change.
Tuesday Night Track is a free series welcome to ALL abilities and running levels.
All workouts start at 6 pm
with a quick meet and greet followed by a warm-up event. Then its on to the interval work!

WINTER - Our locations vary - see schedule below. Headlamps and reflective gear is highly recommended. Some conditions may require traction gear as well. Our partnership with FCRC/RunningU provide great workouts for spring races like the Horsetooth Half Marathon.

SUMMER - Poudre School District has opened their tracks to the public! This is privledge as more and more districts and universities are restricting access. Please be good stewarts of the tracks and obey the rules.
Location:Please join the email list for workout locations as it may change based on school needs, covid, etc..